速報APP / 工具 / APK Watcher

APK Watcher





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本


APK Watcher(圖1)-速報App

This is a convenient tool to search your apps and show various information about them.

The functions are the followings.

** main functions **

- Sort & search package or app names.

- Copy package name or app name to the clipboard.

- Show components(Activites, Services and etc ...) contained in an app's pakcage.

- Show all permission of app with description.

APK Watcher(圖2)-速報App

- Open or uninstall apps.

- Show resources(text, image, etc...) contained in a app.

- Copy resources to the terminal as a file.

** Use scene **

- In the case that you search apps which contains specified keywords.

- In the case that you want to check whether downloaded app is able to be backup or debuggable.

- In the case that you want to check whether the app contains suspicious permissions.

APK Watcher(圖3)-速報App

- In the case that you are a developer and want to search Activity, Service, Receiver, and Provider which is contained in the app.

Try by all means!

APK Watcher(圖4)-速報App